These help videos have been created to support Health Care Professionals within the Primary Care Setting, effectively using Ardens within Systmone including:
Diabetic Asthma & COPD Reviews
How to undertake a diabetic review with a patient using the Ardens template. This will include where to find the templates and how to complete them. It will also go through how to ensure all QOF criteria is completed in order to fulfil our contractual requirements. A brief overview of the template and where key information can be found, such as prescribing information based on NICE guidelines.
Sore throat
How to undertake a throat assessment using the Ardens Sore Throat template. This will include how to navigate the template. How to assess throats using the CENTOR and and FeverPAIN score systems and then using the score of these assessment tools to inform course of treatment. It will show you how to prescribe from the template.
How to undertake a UTI assessment using the Ardens Lower UTI template. This will include how to navigate the template. How to assess for a UTI using the key symptoms of presentation and then using these to inform course of treatment. It will show you how to prescribe from the template.