Academics Huxham and Vangen (2005) said that because collaborations were inherently difficult, ‘you should only collaborate is the task requires collaboration to succeed.’ So, it is not surprising to discover that when PCNs do come together, they spend most of their time focusing on the ‘deal’ aspects of the PCN – the integration of services they seek to deliver together.
A transactional approach often results in the different teams across the PCN becoming merely groups who provide oversight to projects and as a result, the responsibility of the project shifts from the team to the project manager.
However, the essence of good ‘Collaborative Leadership’ is all about getting the right balance between the deal (what we want to achieve by working together) and the relationship (how we work together as a team to realise the deal and the other challenges that are likely to arise). Get this balance in kilter and working collaboratively across the PCN becomes easier.
To help you achieve this, we devised a simple framework you can use to guide the facilitative process enabling the teams themselves to address the ‘deal’ and ‘relationship’ aspects of PCN working in a positive way. The process is as follows:
It is important to remember to get all member practices commitment to using this simple framework to guide their discussions on setting up and developing the PCN Partnership. The member practices will need to understand the benefits this framework can bring to them, as they seek to engage their staff in the setting up of the PCN partnerships.
You may well be asked to facilitate these team meeting sessions, as they seek to establish their own understanding of the PCN partnership and how it will change the way that they work together and with others across the partnership. Managing member practice expectations will be important too. This Unit of this module will build your understanding on how to structure and facilitate these meetings using the 4-step process. It also provides you with the tools and templates you can use when facilitating strategic discussions across your PCN.