Unit 3 – How to lead beyond your role?
Leadership can be challenging enough when you have management responsibility for the teams you lead. Imagine leading when you’re not in control, when the people you collaborate with may not even work in the same practice or share the same discipline. This type of leadership, often called systems leadership requires a more nuanced approach to influencing and leadership. Here you will learn about complex adaptive systems theory, how simple rules agreed by all can create order in what might seem chaos, why understanding problems types can unlock the potential for team working and finally why leading beyond boundaries all boils down to facilitating collaborative working.
Learning Outcome:
Learning how to effectively lead beyond departmental and organisational boundaries and explore how best to bring your leadership to bear on the issues and challenges facing the PCNs
You will have four videos below introducing the main theory and practice for Unit 3 – How to lead beyond your role? Please have your Module 1 Workbook opened whilst you go through the unit videos, as we will provide you with an opportunity to reflect and undertake certain activities to embed the knowledge.
Please note that your Module Workbook is uploaded under Module 1 Introduction. Accompanying the videos are the PowerPoint Slides, and also you might find useful referring back to the RESOURCES heading in Module 1.
Your unit videos
Download a copy of your PPT Slides for Unit 3