1. Tool TV 1.06 – What could possibly go wrong?

Tool T&V1.06 is a risk management tool and it will help you to work through the issues raised by the risk calendar and also provides an opportunity for an open discussion by the team that will:

(a) nurture the trust between partners
(b) enable your team members to share their personal concerns/fears about the success of the project you are working on

The methodology the tool uses has a number of names such as “deconstruction”, “negative problem solving” and “wicked thinking”.
The methodology taps into the emotion of negativity we each possess. Using the feature in our personality that so
easily generates criticism, it tempts each of the team members to identify what could be made to go wrong (within the law) in your partnership project and allows for the development of strategies to overcome those barriers.

2. Tool 5 – Understanding my Organisation

Tool 5 poses a number of questions for team members to seek answers from their respective employing organisations and to share them with the wider group. Not only is it important to understand each other as professionals and individuals, for PCN working to really succeed, you must also make time to really understand each other’s organisations, their drivers and the constraints they face.

Without this combination of insights, PCNs member practices can find themselves ‘rubbing up against each other’ rather than ‘going with the grain’. Even low level friction can impede the cohesion of the partnership and affect its performance.

3. Tool TV 2.08 – Do your partners evidence a culture of collaboration

The academic evidence is that some organisations are better disposed to successful collaborative activity than others. This is called “collaborative advantage” in the field of inter-organisational relationships. The good news is that organisations can grow a positive culture of collaboration.

Tool T&V2.08 provides an evaluation framework of 15 key indicators relating to
partnership working. It will identify if there are areas of “collaborative weakness” within organisations, that can be strengthened to build collaborative advantage.

You can use the tool to assess both yours and your partners’ culture of collaboration.

4. Tool 4 -Understand Me – How can I contribute?

We each bring a lot more to the team than the core discipline and job role suggests. We have work and life experiences that when combined make us the people we are. To bring out the best in us, we must be willing to share our knowledge and experiences.

Likewise, to get the best out of our new colleagues, we must really listen, understand and appreciate the capabilities and know-how they too add to the team. If we fail to take time to understand one another, we will fill our gaps in our knowledge by drawing on our perceptions. And what we know of perceptions is that they can be wrong.

The tool enables you to identify the strengths in your team. It also enables you to identify the gaps in knowledge that may impact on the project you are doing together. More importantly, by using this tool, you build insights around each other and consequently, build trust.

5. Tool TV 1.01 – What are the drivers for change from a service-user perspective?

This tool facilitates the opportunity for drivers for change to be examined through the lens of the service users. This can overcome a number of issues that slow down partnership working across the public sector.

6. Tool TV 2.07 – Analysing the commitment status within each partner

Tool T&V2.07 facilitates a discussion between the workgroup to identify the level of in-house resistance to the project within each partner organisation.

This will enable the group to work collaboratively to create plans that will convert the resistance into positive support – preferably of “champion” status.

7. The Primary Care Network Handbook

This handbook has been created to give advice and options to groups of practices looking to establish and develop a primary care network. Most of the major elements are interdependent, so conversations and decisions should not be made in isolation; it is recommended reading the whole document before meeting with others to make decisions.

8. PCN Development Support Prospectus

Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan requires the development of effective Primary Care Networks (PCNs). To help all PCNs mature and thrive, every STP and ICS needs to put in place high quality support. This document outlines the development support required for PCNs to be successful.

9. NHS Long Term Plan

As medicine advances, health needs change and society develops, the NHS has to continually move forward so that in 10 years time we have a service fit for the future. The NHS Long Term Plan is drawn up by frontline staff, patients groups, and national experts to be ambitious but realistic.

10. NHS-People Plan We Are The NHS Action For All Of Us

his is the clear ambition of the NHS People Plan, the workforce strategy for delivering the Long Term Plan for the NHS.

The People Plan 2020/21: action for us all, published at the end of July 2020 along with Our People Promise, built on the interim People Plan to set out a range of actions to deliver this. These are organised around four pillars:

  • looking after our people – with quality health and wellbeing support for everyone
  • belonging in the NHS – with a particular focus on tackling the discrimination that some staff face
  • new ways of working and delivering care – making effective use of the full range of our people’s skills and experience
  • growing for the future – how we recruit and keep our people, and welcome back colleagues who want to return.

11. Trust and Agreement Matrix for stakeholder engagement

Peter Block’s model for stakeholder analysis identifies those who have influence in a system. It provides a framework to help understand the needs that they have and how to respond to those needs. Stakeholder analysis categorises people according to the amount of agreement they have for change and the amount of trust they have in the organisation to make it happen.