1. Leadership Development and Primary Care

Health services across the developed world are evolving rapidly, and over the coming years some of the most wide-ranging changes are expected to occur in primary care. Primary care includes the largest number of providers, and in the UK accounts for the largest proportion of patient contacts with the National Health Service (NHS), around 300 million per year in general practice alone. To meet the needs of a changing population, adopt vital innovations, redesign for greater sustainability, and support increasing personalised and integrated care, primary care teams will need to evolve the way they work. This article looks at the new types of leadership required across primary care.

2. The art of change making

For ten years, the Leadership Centre has sought to further our knowledge of what really works in response to the challenges of social issues in places around England. Through working with political, community and organisational leaders, the focus has evolved from local leadership projects through ‘Total Place’ to today’s ‘system leadership’ and ‘local vision’ work. This report focuses on the health and social care system across UK and explore how best to develop total place and systems leadership in the sector.

3. Leading Across Organisations

This framework looks at the different types of leadership required across organisations and the difference between silo leadership, wait-and-see leadership, side-by-side leadership and boundary spanning leadership

3.1 Tool CLA 0.01 Do you have the collaborative gene?

By definition, collaborative leaders have no formal authority over their peers. They must use persuasion, technical competence, relationship skills, and political smarts to get and keep the coalition together and produce the desired goal.

Tool CLA0.01 will help you identify the areas of collaborative leadership in which you are strong, and those areas where you may need to develop your skills. It is a 360 degree tool to enable others to score their perception of your collaborative leadership skills

4. Understanding collaborative leadership

Today’s leaders face the challenge of having to lead and influence other people way beyond the boundaries of the organisations that the leader works within. They will frequently be required to lead (and be led) within partnerships made up of different organisations, with different cultures, resources, influences and powers. So what type of leadership do we need going forward?

5. Adaptive Leadership

Working across boundaries very often exposes systemic problems with no easy answers. Ronald Heifitz and Donald Laurie, thought leaders in the field of adaptive challenges and leadership and the authors of “The Work Of Leadership” call these challenges murky and say that when they intensify organisations may need to reclarify strategies, merge or dissolve businesses, or manage cross functional strife.

6. Leadership that gets results

New research suggests that the most effective executives use a collection of distinct leadership styles—each in the right measure, at just the right time. Such flexibility is tough to put into action, but it pays off in performance. And better yet, it can be learned.

7. Collaborative Leadership and Community Health Governance

Becoming knowledgeable of collaborative and inclusive modes for addressing health concerns, including knowledge of experiences in other places, helps create a sense of possibility that new modes can work. This looks at different models and provides the basis on which collaborative leaders work on to make health and social care partnerships a success.

8. MBTI and Authentic Leadership

Even the best leaders have to work on their skills – no individual is born for a leadership role without further need for development. Equally, there is no single personality ‘type’ that can be guaranteed to deliver good leaders either. The development of authenticity – a leader’s unique personality and natural style – steered by the effective use of psychometrics, can deliver the flexibility and clear-sightedness that engenders good leadership.

9. MBTI and Dealing with Stress

When people appear very different from usual, such terms as irrational, out of control, unstable, crazy and abnormal spring to mind. Sometimes we are amused by and pleased at seeing a very different side of ourselves or another person. More often, however, we are uncomfortable, distressed and at a loss to explain what the episode might mean. In the Grip is about the out-of-character selves we all encounter from time to time, particularly in response to fatigue and stress.

10. The practice of systems leadership – being comfortable with chaos

The unprecedented service and financial challenges facing the NHS require staff and leaders to work and behave differently. A critical skill for the future is the ability to work across services and organisations to meet the needs of the growing number of people with complex medical conditions and those who rely on care and support from different agencies. In some cases, this will involve frontline teams working to overcome professional barriers so that they can co-ordinate care effectively, whereas in others it will require senior leaders to work together to remove organisational obstacles to deliver better value for the populations they serve. In this report, Nicholas Timmins draws on the stories of 10 senior leaders to identify the skills needed to work in this way.

11. Practical Tools for exploring Systems Leadership Behaviours

These cards are a systems leadership development tool. Research has shown that there is no one best way to use them; there are a number of effective practices. You may wish to consider using them as part of:

  • Self-reflection and assessment
  • Development conversation(s)
  • Coaching and mentoring conversations
  • Leadership development activity.

12. PCN Development Support – Guidance and Prospectus

Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan requires the development of effective Primary Care Networks (PCNs). To help all PCNs mature and thrive, every STP and ICS needs to put in place high quality support. This document outlines the development support required for PCNs to be successful.

13. The Primary Care Network Handbook

This handbook has been created to give advice and options to groups of practices looking to establish and develop a primary care network. Most of the major elements are interdependent, so conversations and decisions should not be made in isolation; it is recommended reading the whole document before meeting with others to make decisions.

14. The NHS Leadership Model

The Healthcare Leadership Model is to help those who work in health and care to become better leaders. It is useful for everyone – whether you have formal leadership responsibility or not, if you work in a clinical or other service setting, and if you work with a team of five people or 5,000. It describes the things you can see leaders doing at work and is organised in a way that helps everyone to see how they can develop as a leader. It applies equally to the whole variety of roles and care settings that exist within health and care.

15. Coaching Conversations – GROW Model

GROW is more than a coaching model loved by the coaching community. It is also a top leadership tool that works across all disciplines and cultures. With its four deceptively simple steps, GROW has proved successful all over the world. It forms the backbone of coaching in many organizations and universities globally, due to the outstanding results. It helps people to achieve success personally or as part of a team.

16. Powerful Questions – Co-Active Coaching

Adopting a coaching approach through powerful questioning – here you will find a variety of powerful questions which will support you in your role as a leader as coach.